How Room-Sharing Affects Your Baby's Sleep | Woombie

As a parent, you are probably used to doing what's best for your baby. After all, not only do you want it to be healthy and grow up happy and strong, but you also want to be able to enjoy those precious first few months of parenting with minimal stress and anxiety. One common question that many parents face is whether or not they should have their baby in the same room as them. Some experts say it's necessary for safety reasons. Others say it can even help with your baby’s sleep if they're close by rather than sleeping alone in another part of the house. So, what's right for your family? Let’s see some benefits of sharing a room with your newborn.
Where your baby sleeps can affect how much they sleep
If you're looking for ways to improve your baby's sleep and you've been considering room-sharing, it may be helpful to understand how the location of your baby's bed affects its sleep.
While parents often feel better when their baby sleeps in a separate room, that doesn't mean their baby is sleeping better. Many experts agree that the quality of your child's sleep is more important than the quantity of it.
Sharing a room with your baby can affect their sleep quality
Room-sharing is a great option for newborns, and it can also help your baby sleep better as she gets older. A review of studies conducted on the subject found that room-sharing improves sleep quality for babies and their parents by reducing stress, increasing self-soothing skills, and promoting secure attachment between mom and baby.
If you're not sure if your little one will take to this arrangement right away, try it out. See how much they enjoy being close to you while they nap or rest peacefully at night. After a few days, you’ll be able to make a final decision about what kind of sleeping arrangement works best for everyone.
When it comes to a baby’s sleep, consistency is the key
When it comes to your child's development, it's essential to stick to the routine as much as possible. A consistent bedtime routine can help them know what to expect when it's time for sleep. It will make them less likely to resist or protest to go down for their naps or at night. It can also help with issues like teething pain by providing them with something they look forward to after their teeth have moved in. Having a regular schedule makes getting enough sleep easier and ensures that everyone gets enough rest at night.
Consistency and room-sharing also help establish healthy habits like eating nutritious foods. The reason for this is that these things need not only occur consistently but also require regular repetition over time.
Keeping your baby in a separate room can make you both feel anxious
If you're feeling conflicted about keeping your baby in your room, you might consider the alternative: moving it to a separate room. While this might seem like the obvious choice for helping your baby sleep better, it can also cause problems for both of you. After all, a baby’s development is just as important as a young mom’s health. If you keep your baby close by you at night and then put it in another room during the day, it may become irritated or anxious when she's separated from your baby’s favorite bedtime routine. Plus, many parents worry that they'll be missing out on snuggling time with their sweeties while they sleep. And finally, some parents worry about being judged by other people who think they should have their babies sleeping in separate rooms from them by now.
Moving to a new home? Room-sharing can help with a consistent bedtime routine
A bedtime routine is a good way to help your baby learn how to fall asleep on its own, especially if you're room-sharing. The more consistent the routine, the better it will be for your baby.
There are plenty of factors that affect the amount of sleep your baby will have. For example, if you just moved into a new home, your newborn will feel all the changes. Relocation is one of the most complicated things you can organize as a new parent. Planning the budget, packing for the move, and carrying heavy boxes can all consume parents’ energy and make them stressed out. One of the ways to ease this process is to create an efficient plan that will work for all family members. For example, when it comes to packing supplies, you don't have to splurge on this – all you need is a reliable company to help you find affordable packing supplies and handle packing.
If you consider hiring assistance for this process, you’ll have much more time and energy to take care of your baby. After moving into a new home, room-sharing can help both you and your baby to sleep better (and longer).
Things to consider before sharing a room with newborn
If you are not sure which decision is the best for your family, consider the following:
- Parents need to consider their own sleep needs. Many people find it easier to get a full night's rest when they have their own space and may find sharing a room with their baby disruptive.
- Parents should consider their baby's sleep needs. While some babies are happy with shared sleeping arrangements, others prefer having their own space.
- Think about safety issues related to room-sharing. Where will you place the crib or bassinet? How will you keep it from getting damaged or falling over? How will you protect your baby from any potential hazards in your home?
- There is no evidence that sharing a room prevents babies from developing independence. Studies have found that infants who share sleep areas with an adult tend to develop better self-soothing skills earlier than those who don't.
Final thoughts
We hope this article has helped you understand the pros and cons of room-sharing and how it affects your baby’s sleep. If you feel like your baby isn’t sleeping well in your current situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to a doctor or other health professional for advice. Many different things can contribute to a baby’s sleeplessness—and there is no one right way for every family.
Meta Description: Looking for the best way for your newborn’s sleeping routine? Here’s how room-sharing affects your baby’s sleep.